The Covid Curve Ball

“I have a dream, that one day this world will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed – we hold these truths to be self evident that all  beings are created equal”.   –Martin Luther King, Jr (w/update)

Our world today has changed – shockingly, suddenly, and in a snap we are confined, limited, controlled and quarantined.  The new “normal” is the most abnormal set of life circumstances I have experienced.  To be fair I am one of the lucky ones – living in the country with a small band of rugged outdoorsy gardeners I am not completely alone and can wander my own garden freely.  My heart goes out to those in small apartments or nursing homes with no visitors.

We have been preparing for this time all our lives.  From my first “duck and cover” nuclear bomb exercise in elementary school (think 1960’s) until now the threat of disaster has loomed daily in many forms.  Cancer, hurricane, earthquake, wildfire, flood and other varieties of dire illness whisper from the wings – “we’re here, don’t forget”.  The quivers of fear that exist within us can be activated in so many different ways- and this one has been lurking as well.

I lived for a brief time in a small seaside village on a peninsula.  Some weather conditions, earthquake most likely, cut the village off from the outside for a while.  Mind you this little town was mainly populated with retired university professors, and was quite affluent and exclusive in its Bohemian vibes.  Something wonderful happened in that village, I imagine they still talk of it today.  The good people came together and collaborated to be sure that everyone was fed and sheltered and healthy.  It was so extraordinary that it made the front page of the newspaper.

So our time has come.  Globally we are marooned from each other – forced to face ourselves in a new way.  This time is helping us to identify our longings and unacknowledged needs – learning what our souls truly seek.  If you haven’t yet asked yourself that question, I highly recommend it.  When we re-emerge from lockdown we have an opportunity to profoundly reset our lives.  We are preparing to begin again, and in my vision this includes the opportunity to be more authentic, more free, more joyous.  Mother Earth and all her beings are desperately crying out for our love – and it is this simple – we can give it.   It is time for planetary rebirth and the conscious co-creation of a new way of life sincerely born of love.

oh yeah!